Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Saturday afternoon stitching.........
This photo below shows some of the fleece scarves that we made. We got fourteen scarves finished and two pair of gloves and one hat. I had purchased some mittens but will go out and do a little shopping so that each scarf has a matching pair of mittens and perhaps a hat, too!
As the day progressed, we stacked the items made or collected around the piano in the corner of the community room. It was fun to see the piano disappear under such a volume of quilts, scarves, totebags and more. All of the quilts will go off to Iowa. We had talked that a couple of them might go over to Sibley County Services but the need is so great in the Cedar Rapids/Iowa City area that they will head south. All of the totebags and the pillowcases will also go to Iowa but about half of the scarves and stockings will go to Iowa and the other half will go to our own county, Sibley Services for those in need in our own area. In the future, almost all of our items will go to Sibley County unless some special cause arises that we decide to do some stitching for. In the meantime, I have received items from the Eastern Long Island Quilt Guild that will be added to our donations to Iowa, plus a few other items. I'll be posting those photos in the next few days - really, I promise I will not forget this time. As of this writing, about one third of the quilts have been delivered to Judy Heilers, our contact in Cedar Rapids and I am preparing today to deliver all the rest of them to my son's girlfriend's sister who is visiting in Minneapolis and she will take the rest of them to Judy. How's that for a convoluted sentence and an interesting path to get the quilts to where they are needed?
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Saturday "Sew and Share" - Morning
Barb (left) and Kate (right) were all smiles as they prepared to stitch up stockings and bind quilts. Barb brought some scrumptious peanut butter banana muffins for all of us so that we would not go hungry til lunch. :-)
Carolyn came to help and while diminished vision keeps her from sewing as she used to many years ago, she rolled the scarves to smooth the seams on the fleece scarves that were stitched up the night before.
Dorothy (right) and Joanie (left) took the scarves and snipped the ends to tie up fringed edges like those done on the popular fleece blankets. That's Pastor Kathy in the background selecting thread for stitching up Christmas stockings.
There were a few tied quilts from our last workday in July so Sharon took one that Cathy had almost finished and prepared to trim it and then add a binding.
And this is me, Sandi. I am adding some decorative stitches to the scarf that I made on Friday. Behind me you can see the stacks of fabric, stockings ready to stitch and yarn for tying the quilts.
Anita (left) and Kathy (below right) were the "Christmas Stocking Stitchers" and completed more than two dozen stockings from a variety of red and green knit fabrics. The stockings were already cut as they were left-overs from a project I did several years ago when I worked for a computer company. At that time, co-workers signed up to take one or more stockings and fill them for boys and girls, then they were donated to a local agency for a Christmas toy drive.
We had worked really hard and at noon we were ready for a break for lunch. We are pictured below after enjoying a delicious meal of chicken salad, a hamburger-rice-cashews hot dish, fresh tomatoes, spinach dip and bread, baked beans, a banana meringue dessert and much more. Recipes will be posted later for the hot dish and the banana dessert. :-) With lunch over, it was time to get back to work................... afternoon photos posted tomorrow! Pictured above from left to right - Sharon, Kate, Carolyn, Anita, Pastor Kathy, Barb, Dorothy, and Joanie and next to her was Lane who ate quickly and had to leave so she could get home to care for her boys so her husband could leave for work!! What a committed, sharing group of gals they all are!!!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Friday "Sew and Share"
I tried something a little different this time, two days of sewing instead of one and one day starting in the afternoon and the next in the morning. This worked well as it allowed stitchers who could come at different times/day be able to participate. I think I'll do that when we meet again next Spring to stitch up a Spring storm of quilts, bags and such!!
Spring is a long way off, though, and fall arrived this past week so the quilts that were finished and the scarves that were made or donated will certainly be welcome to those affected by losses from the Iowa flooding. And then there were Christmas stockings to stitch as no one wants a child to miss the wonder of seeing what is in his or her stocking on Christmas morn.
Here are a few photos from last Friday. I'll post the photos from last Saturday this Saturday. I do hope that makes sense. :-)
Jane, Carol and Adella were the first to arrive just before 1:00 p.m. I was unloading bags full of fabric, fleece, sewing machine, etc. Takes a lot of stuff to sew for a village. Sorry, I couldn't resist.
It didn't take us long to settle in and get going on projects. I set up a table with lots of fabric for quilts, fleece for scarves and hats, and a pile of pre-cut knit Christmas stockings. We were ready to go..............
Here is Jane putting the binding on a quilt top that Kate made at our meeting in July. Another one done!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
"Sew and Share" this Saturday!
I have posted fliers and had info cards available at the library quilt show, then sent out e-mails about this coming weekend. We will have sewers and once again, we'll be busy as bees helping others.
Here's the info for this weekend. Please join us if you would like to help out!!
“Sew and Share”
in the Community Room at City Hall, Henderson, MN
Friday, September 19th from 1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Saturday, September 20th from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
We will be making scarves and hats, Christmas stockings, quilts, and more! Most of the items will go to Families affected by flooding in southeast Iowa but some items will be donated to families in need in Sibley County. If you can sew, cut fabric, yarn tie knots in quilts or add fringe to scarves, etc. etc. please come and help.
Questions? E-mail me at stitchinglegacy@gmail.com
“Sloppy Joes”, chips and pop will be provided on Friday evening for a 6:00 supper. Feel free to bring other goodies if you wish.
Noon Potluck on Saturday. Please bring something to share- salad, hotdish, dessert, bread, etc. Coffee, tea and cider provided.